PO Box 523, Station B,
Ottawa, ON, K1P 5P6

PO Box 523, Station B, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5P6

Since September 2020, the Historical Society of Ottawa has presented a virtual speakers series using Zoom. A full recording of those presentations is available on the HSO YouTube channel and shown here as well.

The Historical Society of Ottawa does not necessarily subscribe to views expressed in these videos, nor take any responsibility for their content.

Thursday, 14 October 2021 15:11

Capital History Kiosk Project

In this presentation, David Dean and Danielle Mahon demonstrate the unique approach to local storytelling…
Join Dave Allston as we take a look at the history of Tunney's Pasture.
Tune in to a whirlwind tour of the history of Rock 'n Roll in Ottawa…
Michael Molloy & Robert Shalka, co-authors of "Running on Empty", plus Rivaux Lay, a former…
Saturday, 05 June 2021 15:36

The Assassination of D'Arcy McGee

At our May 12th 2021 meeting, James Powell, HSO director and author of the popular…
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 15:36

Victor and Evie

On April 28, 2021, Dorothy Phillips, author and longtime HSO member, told us about researching…
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