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018. The Bytown Election of 1841

Description of the political mood of pre-Confederation Bytown once the Act of Union was passed by the Imperial Government in 1840. Written by Hamnet Hill K.C.. Introduction by E.P. Laberge.

Could be considered a sequel to "Before and After Colonel By (Pamphlet #16)". Written as a Transaction of the Historical Society and by publishing it in the Bytown Pamphlet Series it was hoped to focus attention on a subject of political science within the confines of historical Bytown. April 1986.

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Hits: 863 Hits
Created Date: 01-20-2020
Last Updated Date: 02-01-2025
Author: Hamnet Hill K.C.
Copyright: April 1986
Pages: 18 pages
Document history:

Historical Language Advisory: As only freeholders were entitled to vote, this pamphlet is uniquely from an English, male, privileged point of view. The many newspaper quotes often include defamatory statements towards candidates or other newspaper editors/reporters. Pg. 6, para 3: "It is customary for candidates retiring from elections, for reasons which it is not policy to dwell on, to plead ill health..."