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121. A Pioneer Store in Upper Canada, by Edwin Welch (1982) - transcribed and edited by Bryan D. Cook

In 1982, professional archivist Dr. Edwin Welch wrote about an early 19C general store in Richmond (Goulbourn Twp), near Ottawa. Known as “Bytown Series #4,” his work became buried in the HSO archives, along with a full transcription he had made of a partially intact invoice book kept in George Lyon's store at Richmond between 1820 and 1829.

To restore the work, Bryan D. Cook has transcribed and edited Dr. Welch’s article and the detailed invoice book logs have been converted to downloadable files (see “Document History”).

File Name: p121.pdf
File Size: 964.87 KB
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Hits: 771 Hits
Created Date: 06-28-2023
Last Updated Date: 06-29-2023
Author: Bryan D. Cook
Copyright: June 2023
Pages: 52 pages
Document history:

Marion Scott posted an article in her blog “Richmond Heritage: Richmond, Ontario, Canada in the Nineteenth Century” entitled “ ‘Going to the Store’ – Richmond Merchants in the 1820s.” It is an excellent and well-referenced article on the early merchants of Richmond and makes worthwhile reading on the Richmond Heritage website.

George Lyon's invoice log books:

George Lyon Invoice Book Part 1

George Lyon Invoice Book Part 2

George Lyon Invoice Book Part 3

George Lyon Invoice Book Part 4

George Lyon Invoice Book Part 5

Additional commentary related to the glossary of merchandise, courtesy of George Neville:

Candle Wick – This is material that was used throughout the 18th & 19th centuries and even well into the early part of the 20th century in many parts of the world. It is a form of cord of small diameter composed of lightly twisted fibres the top of which burned with warm glow as the central part of a candle fed by the molten wax (lard) transported upward to the flame by virtue of the porosity of this wick cord. It was commonplace for 18th & 19th century houses to have candle moulds into which central cords would have to be inserted and tied in place before hot rendered beef fat was pouted into the moulds and left to cool and solidify before their candles could be removed. I have made many such candles as a lad with my grandmother Shipman on the farm that was not electrified until 1953!

Snuff – The purpose of this, as given, is essentially that of the explanation given for snuffers; however, I believe that snuff applies to that popular commodity of the time (a dry or moist blend of scented finely shredded tobacco) that is taken as small pinches and snorted up the nose for its pharmacological effect.