Guest Speaker
Jean-Luc Pilon, Adjunct Professor of Sociology & Anthropology, Carleton University, Former Curator of Central Archeology, Canadian Museum of History
Bits and pieces of this complex puzzle have surfaced over the past century and half – only to disappear into the dark and cavernous vaults of museums. Yet, many of these imprecisely located finds, along with detailed notes, combined with new knowledge gained from more than 25 years of research carried out at the mouth of the Gatineau River, begin to shed a fascinating light on the thousands of years of history that came before the forests of the Anishinabe Algonquin were felled by unrelenting European axes.
Join Dr. Jean-Luc Pilon as he shares this thrilling journey of discovery with us.
PLUS! We have also invited representatives from Anishinàbe Odjìbikan who will provide us with a short presentation about the important work of their Indigenous Archaeological Field School.
All are welcome to attend without charge.